Provocations spark curiosity and content intention, elicit ideas and critical thinking strategies and reflection through hands-on, immersive, and experiential moments designed through an inclusive lens. The provocations included in this section address a variety of real world social justice issues through critical pedagogy to create transformative agents of change in all learners.
Have a provocation idea? Add it to the Ideas Sharing board
Ten Alphabet Soups
Social Justice: What Does it Mean?
“Make Do and Mend”
Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn & The Zones of Regulation
Immigration Stories
AI Unleashed
Traditional Textiles Jigsaw
Dear Mama
Create Your T-Shirt
Who Am I Now?
Learning about Community-Based Research
Digital Citizenship
Fast Fashion – The Harm It Brings
What Makes Our Identity?
Fast Fashion & Climate Change
My Place on the Land
The Power of Language and BIPOC Project Provocation
See, Think, Wonder Provocation- Indigenous Ways of Learning, Knowing, and Doing
Opening Doors Provocation
Indigenous Storytelling Provocation
Door Handle Escape Room Provocation
Caine’s Arcade Provocation
A Picture Says 1000 Words Provocation
2SLGBTQIA+ Communities Through STEAM Subjects and Makerspaces